Engineer Your Career

Upcoming Events
Ask the Engineer: Success in the Workplace Panel
1:00 pm -
Engineering Student Project Showcase
3:00 pm -
CYning Day @ ECS
All Day -
Engineering Career Fest
11:00 am
Career Advising
Need advice on your resume, cover letter, preparing for an interview, reviewing an offer, or any other career-related topics? We are here to assist you. Schedule an appointment with an advisor in Engineering Career Services.
Career Fair
Face-to-face networking is one of the most effective recruiting methods. Whether you are a student looking for an internship, co-op, post-graduate position, or networking for the future. Or an employer looking to hire for these positions. You don’t want to miss these opportunities!
Our College of Engineering career fairs are among the largest in the country. Hundreds of employers and thousands of great students will be participating in the fair!
Experiential Education; Internships & Co-ops
Co-ops and internships are periods of institutionally supervised, work experience that supplements formal academic classwork. Students are employed by industry and government organizations in positions related to their major field of study. Employers want to see experiential work experience on resumes (for some it is a requirement) and companies regularly use their internship/co-op programs as pipelines for post graduate career opportunities.
Engineering Career Services helped me prepare for and find internships and full-time employment opportunities in quite a few ways. They helped me identify weaknesses in my resume, and I think this was crucial when seeking employment.
Connor – Agricultural Engineering, Spring 2023
Engineering Career Services, in cooperation with the other colleges at ISU, operates an online, career management system called CyHire. With this system, employers can post positions, schedule on-campus interviews and supply information that students may find useful when evaluating whether to apply for a particular position. Students can easily search the employment opportunities and apply to positions of interest. There are no fees associated with using the system.
Accept an offer? Get accepted to graduate school? Let us know!
Salaries and Outcomes
Average Starting Salary for Bachelors Degree, 2023-2024
Positive Career Outcomes within 6 Months of Graduation, 2023-2024