Thousands of engineering interviews are held on campus each year. On-campus interviewing offers an excellent way for employers looking to fill co-op, internship, and post-graduate positions to connect with engineering students. Conducting interviews on campus is very convenient for busy college students and our data indicates it significantly improves recruiting success.  It is also often more cost-effective for employers since travel expenses are limited to those of the interviewer, and a significant number of interviews can be conducted one after another without interruption.

Employers can reserve interview space and manage their interview schedule(s) through CyHire. See the information below to set up the on-campus interviewing space that will work best for your team. Engineering Career Services will provide assistance to guide you through this process and help make your on-campus interviewing as successful as possible.


Effective- One of the most effective recruiting methods.
Easy- Easy to connect with multiple students in one day.
Convenient- Flexible timing and convenient location for student participation
Economical- Private Room Interviewing is Free!
Branding- Increase your brand awareness on campus.

Multiple Options Provided

Mass Interviewing is available on the day after each in-person career fair. Only employers who attend an Engineering Career Fair are eligible to participate in the Mass Interviewing Day event. Please note, Mass Interviewing Day is not included in Career Fair registration. To register for the Mass Interviewing Day event, visit the ‘Events’ section of CyHire and complete the registration for the ‘Engineering Mass Interviewing Day′ event.

Private Room Interviewing is available any time after Mass Interviewing has taken place. There are three main types of interview schedules available when requesting a schedule in CyHire:

  • Pre-Select Interview Scheduling: Interested candidates submit their resumes and other required documents though CyHire. Employers select candidates and send an invitation to interview. Candidates select an interview time that will work for them through CyHire.
  • Open Interview Scheduling: Interested candidates who meet the qualifications of the position are allowed to select an interview time through CyHire without any pre-screening by the employer.
  • Room Reservation Only: This type of schedule only reserves a room to conduct the interview. The employer handles the application process and interviewing schedule outside of CyHire. No job posting would be attached to this schedule unlike Open and Preselect that require a job posting to be attached.

To set up Private Room Interviewing, Click on All Job Opportunities on the left menu on the CyHire homepage. Then in the top select Register for On-Campus Interview (OCI).

Virtual Interviewing through phone or video calls may be held any time after the career fair. CyHire can be used to accept applications and allow students and alumni to sign up for interview time slots, effectively managing your virtual schedule in one spot. If you are planning to conduct video interviews, you can use the platform of your choice and simply add your link in the CyHire request form. You can use the same steps as above.

Mass Interview Day is held in the Scheman Building.

Job Offer Time Period

It is strongly encouraged that employers give students two weeks to consider an offer, with the understanding that students may ask for more time based on their particular circumstances. This allows students to fulfill commitments and fully consider/evaluate their offer(s). Career decisions are very important, and it is in the best interest of all parties to allow students to explore opportunities and make informed decisions without undue pressure.  This policy helps to make job offer acceptance decisions final and protects the campus reputation of employers.