Info Sessions

  • Over 60

    are held each year on average

Information sessions provide an opportunity to introduce your organization, discuss employment opportunities, and highlight recruiting activities with interested students. A traditional info session typically involves a 20 to 30 minute presentation followed by Q&A and networking time, but creative approaches are always welcome! Employers have found success with hosting coffee chats, lunch and learns, trivia or game nights, site visits and tours, gift bags for finals week, and more!

Most info sessions are held in the late afternoon or evening to utilize Engineering classroom space – these rooms are available after 4:00 pm to avoid conflicts with class schedules. Limited space is available on the third floor of Marston Hall for daytime events like coffee chats or lunch and learn events.

Engineering Career Services helps arrange and promote information sessions to our students free of charge. Our team will market your event through our weekly newsletter to all engineering students, by having flyers posted across campus if you provide them, and by posting your event details on our social media platforms.

Host an Information Session

We require all info sessions to be listed in CyHire to meet ISU’s legal requirements for Equal Employment Opportunity. Here are the steps to set up an info session in CyHire:

  1. Log into your CyHire account:
  2. Under “Host an Event’ on your CyHire homepage, Click on the ‘+HOST ‘
  3. Fill out the form in it’s entirety and click submit.
  4. You will get an email once your information session has been approved.

Employers may want to connect with student organizations to further promote their recruitment events and boost attendance.

Please contact Engineering Career Services ( if you have any questions. We are happy to help!