Student success and institutional health is best realized when all parties involved in the recruiting and hiring process work cooperatively, ethically, and within established guidelines. ISU and the vast majority of employers follow the NACE Principles of Profession Conduct, which are based on fairness, truthfulness, non-injury, confidentiality, and lawfulness. All ISU College of Engineering faculty and staff that affect the recruitment and hiring process are expected to also follow these principles. This will provide students with open and equal access to job opportunities and keep our employers coming back to a campus dedicated to fairness. Equal employment opportunity compliance has been discussed elsewhere on this site, so this information will focus on our obligation to maintain a campus environment that is fair and equitable to employers. The main NACE principles that are relative to this subject and will be followed in the ISU College of Engineering are summarized below.
Maintaining a Fair and Equitable Campus
The three NACE Principles for Career Services Professionals that address the fair treatment of employers are:
- Career services professionals will provide comparable services to all employers, regardless of whether the employers contribute services, gifts, or financial support to the educational institution or office and regardless of the level of such support.
- Career services professionals will establish reasonable and fair guidelines for access to services by employers.
- Career services professionals will also promote and encourage acceptance of these principles throughout their educational institution, particularly with faculty and staff who work directly with employers, and will respond to reports of noncompliance.
The two Principles for Employment Professionals related to treatment and expectations are:
- Neither employment professionals nor their organizations will expect, or seek to extract, special favors or treatment which would influence the recruitment process as a result of the support, or the level of the support, to the educational institution or career services office in the form of contributed services, gifts, or other financial support.
- When employment professionals conduct recruitment activities through student associations or academic departments, such activities will be conducted in accordance with the policies of the career services office.
To gain a better understanding for the need for fairness, see this NACE case study. NACE Case Study: When Faculty Refer and Rank Students for Employers.