Salary & Employment Data
Internship & Co-op Salary Statistics for ISU Engineering Students
Average Starting Salary for Bachelors Degree,
2023-2024 -
Average Earnings for Internships and Co-ops,
2023-2024 Average Salary for a Bachelors Degree per State
This data comes directly from Iowa State College of Engineering graduates. Data for every major in every state may not be available if insufficient data for that major is reported. This data is based on the reported location of employment and may include remote salaries. Reach out to us at if you have additional salary questions. To get started, select a major or majors then hover your mouse over a state to see the average salary.
Number of Engineering Intern & Co-op Students by State 2022-2023
Exploring Engineering Careers
Wondering what you can do with an engineering degree from ISU? Checkout our interactive database to see what former ISU engineering students have done and where they’ve gone. As well as additional career exploration tools.
Share your experience
Has Engineer Career Services helped you navigate the employment process? Or maybe you have some advice you think would be beneficial for current and future engineering students? Consider sharing with us! We will use this information to encourage students to take advantage of our resources and help them navigate the employment process.
ISU Office of the Registrar Enrollment Statistics
Enrollment Statistics by Major or Department