This supplemental information to the student guide to employment was developed to address common and occasional situations certain groups of individuals face. Individuals facing situations not covered here are encouraged to make an advising appointment with Engineering Career Services.
Information for Specific Student Populations and Situations
Military Veterans
In general, veterans have an advantage in the competition for employment, but some vets find it a challenge. The information linked below was prepared by ISU Career Services in collaboration with the ISU Military-Affiliated Student Center.
Individuals with Disabilities
A disability may have no affect on job performance or may be offset by strengths in other areas. It is important to know when (if ever) and how to discuss a disability with a potential employer. Engineering Career Services prepared the information linked below to address some of the special issues that students and alumni with disabilities face in the search for employment.
International Students
The information linked below was prepared by Engineering Career Services and the International Students and Scholars Office to guide international students interested in co-ops, internships and full-time employment in the U.S.
Protecting or Disclosing Personal or Sensitive Information
This material was developed to help individuals who have questions about sharing information with prospective employers that is personal or sensitive, such as a medical condition, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, political association, association with an organization that some view as controversial, etc.
esFor students who identify as underserved, Candoor helps you book free 1-on-1 conversations with professionals in dream roles. Through these conversations, you can explore careers, make new connections, practice interviewing, and understand how to break into your dream role – from someone on the inside!
Individuals Applying to Government Positions
In addition to the information and tips provided in Module 5 of the Engineering Career Prep Resource, there are further factors to consider when applying for government positions.
Students with Low GPAs
Overcoming a low GPA while searching for employment is possible.
Students with No Professional Work Experience
If you are seeking a full-time position but do not have any professional work experience, there are multiple strategies you can use to connect with employers and market your skills set.