Step 10: Inform Engineering Career Services and Discontinue Your Job Search

The final step in the process is to inform Engineering Career Services of your acceptance of an offer by clicking an applicable link below:

There are three primary reasons for doing this:

  • Outcome rates and the average salaries for each major are made available on our website for use by you and other graduates evaluating job offers, and for use by prospective students.
  • The College uses the outcome rate data to evaluate the effectiveness of our programs.
  • Federal law (Gainful Employment Act) requires us to report outcome data.  If in-profession outcome is too low for a certain major, then government financial aid for future students may be affected.  This has never been an issue for any of ISU’s engineering programs but it is important that we collect and report the data.

If you have received other offers, decline these offers immediately so employers can focus on other candidates.  Cancel any interviews that you have scheduled for the same reason.