ELE Leadership Team


Luke Broglio

Luke Broglio is a highly motivated senior studying Software Engineering with a passion for technology and a desire to develop his programming skills.

As the president of Emerging Leaders in Engineering, Luke has demonstrated his commitment to leadership development and community involvement. Under his leadership, the organization focuses on fostering professional development and empowering engineering students to become future leaders in their field.

Luke is dedicated to creating opportunities for his peers to enhance their skills and grow as professionals. He is particularly enthusiastic about organizing events and workshops that are engaging and informative, helping members to thrive both academically and professionally.

. Outside of his academic and leadership roles, he enjoys reading, working on programming projects, and playing video games.

Vice President

James Afful

I am James Afful, a mechanical engineering graduate student at ISU originally from Ghana, and I serve ELE as the Vice President. Being Vice President has been an exciting adventure through which I have made and met lifelong friends while learning invaluable leadership skills. When I am not solving complex physics equations, I enjoy reading books on entrepreneurial ventures and leadership.


Christopher Ling


Christopher Ling is a sophomore at ISU (2024-2024) studying Mechanical Engineering. From a young age, he built and programed his own LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots, followed by one season on a FIRST LEGO League (FLL) team. Later he joined his high school robotics FIRST TECH Challenge (FTC) team for 3 seasons, helped his team win Innovate or Design awards each year, and became Mechanical lead that third year. He has experience both following and leading, brainstorming and critiquing, working on a team and by himself. He has used Fusion 360, Solidworks, 3D Printers, Matlab, and all 3 major software suites (Google, Microsoft, and Apple). He has mastered 6 different graphical programming languages (including making a Sudoku solver in Snap!) and started to learn C, C++, HTML, JavaScript, Swift, and Python. In his free time, he hangs out with Christian friends in clubs/groups including Alpha Omega and SALT, and he also enjoys playing Minecraft and watching YouTube videos about psychology and leadership. He is also on the ELT Conference Planning Committee.

Co-Public Relations Chair

Alexa Peters

My name is Alexa Peters and I am so excited to be Social Media Co-Chair with Kira this year! I am currently a sophomore in construction engineering, originally from Jefferson, IA. In my free time I love to attend sporting events, hang out with friends, and read books. I’ve been in ELE since the beginning of freshman year, and I am excited to promote it by taking on this executive role!

Co-Public Relations Chair

Kira  Schulze

Hi! My name is Kira Schulze and I am currently a sophomore in Mechanical Engineering. I am originally from Osceola, WI. I have been in ELE since I came to Iowa State as a freshman, and have loved every second of it! Currently, I am a social media co-chair with Alexa Peters. In my free time I love to be outside, hang out with friends, and enjoy time on the lake. In the spring I am attending Swansea University in Wales for a semester abroad. Please reach out with any questions about our club or getting involved!