Robert Hanson

Robert Hanson graduated from Iowa State in Mechanical Engineering and Spanish in 2014. He has been a tour guide for TEAM, a Cyclone Aide, president of the Society of International Engineers, and a Community Advisor in Friley Hall. Rob recently returned to campus to pursue a graduate degree in Energy Systems Engineering. In the two years between degrees, he was a design engineer and sales engineer in the Audio Visual field and was lucky enough to travel to three other continents for work. In his spare time, he enjoys juggling and racing in triathlons.


Shooting for the Moon: A Story of Leadership and Teamwork

In May 1961, American President John F Kennedy set into motion one of the greatest and most ambitious goals in human history: to land humans on the moon and bring them safely back to the Earth. Over the course of the next eight years, NASA put together the incredible team of scientists, engineers, astronauts, and great minds to develop the plan to accomplish this marvel. In this presentation, we will go through the history of the space program and discuss how leadership and teamwork led us to achieve our mission to the moon.

“My dream job wasn’t what I thought. What now?!”

I would like to share my experience after undergrad of getting what I thought was a dream job, realizing it was not what I wanted, and my struggle to find what I want to do with my life. This involved (an attempt at) starting my own business, realizing that was not what I wanted either, and my decision to go to grad school to get into a field I am passionate about (renewable energy and energy policy).