W. Samuel Easterling portrait

W. Samuel Easterling

James L. and Katherine S. Melsa Dean of Engineering

Biography | Download photo 

wse@iastate.edu | 4100 Marston Hall

Arun Somani

Arun Somani

Senior Associate Dean

arun@iastate.edu | 4100 Marston Hall

Research enterprise including management of faculty startups and grant opportunities, graduate programs and recruitment, facilities and space.

Executive Administrative Assistant, Jeremy Bowker
jcbowker@iastate.edu | 515-294-9988 | 4100 Marston Hall

Sriram Sundararajan

Sriram Sundararajan

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

srirams@iastate.edu | 4100 Marston Hall

Teaching and learning enterprise, undergraduate programs and accreditation, faculty affairs including advancement and review, awards and honors, and governance.

Executive Administrative Assistant, Jeremy Bowker
jcbowker@iastate.edu | 515-294-9988 | 4100 Marston Hall

Connie Hargrave

Connie Hargrave

Associate Dean for Engagement and Excellence

cph@iastate.edu | 4100 Marston Hall

Excellence in engineering initiatives that focus on broadening participation and enhancing culture across the college community, K-12 STEM outreach, and undergraduate recruitment, persistence, and graduation.

Administrative Assistant, Megan DeSart
mdesart@iastate.edu | 515-294-2885 | 4100 Marston Hall

Sri Sritharan

Sri Sritharan

Assistant Dean for Research

sri@iastate.edu | 4100 Marston Hall | 515-294-5238

Advancing specific research initiatives, support large collaborative opportunities, and represent faculty with their IT needs.

Administrative Assistant, Megan DeSart
mdesart@iastate.edu | 515-294-2885 | 4100 Marston Hall

Chris Schwartz

Cris Schwartz

Assistant Dean for Engineering Student Success

cris1@iastate.edu | 515-294-2866 | 4100 Marston Hall

Undergraduate student experience, initiatives to enhance student retention and success.

Leadership Team

Breehan Gerleman

Breehan Gerleman
Director, Engineering Communications
515-294-2452 | breehan@iastate.edu
4200 Marston Hall
Website: Engineering Communications

Carmen Gomes

Carmen Gomes
Faculty Success Advisor
515-294-1138 | carmen@iastate.edu

Jen Heinen

Jen Heinen
Professor in charge, Continuous Improvement and ABET Accreditation
515-294-1891 | jmheinen@iastate.edu
Website: College of Engineering Accreditation

Joel Johnson

Joel Johnson
Director, Engineering Recruitment and Student Services
515-294-1570 | joelj@iastate.edu
Website: Engineering Recruitment and Student Services

Kellie Olson

Kellie Olson
Director, Engineering Career Services
515-294-7507 | kelolson@iastate.edu
Website: Engineering Career Services

Nigel Reuel

Nigel Reuel
Professor in charge, Deep Technology Venture Creation
515-294-4592 | reuel@iastate.edu
Website: Chemical and Biological Engineering

Ian Schneider

Ian Schneider
Professor in charge, Biomedical Engineering
515-294-0450 | ians@iastate.edu
Website: Biomedical Engineering

Dave Sly

Dave Sly
Director, Start Something Initiative
515-294-3120 | davesly@iastate.edu
Website: Start Something College of Engineering

Akhilesh Tyagi

Akhilesh Tyagi
Professor in charge, Software Engineering
515-294-4396 | tyagi@iastate.edu
Website: Software Engineering

Department Chairs

Wayne Chen portrait

Aerospace Engineering
Wayne Chen, Vance and Arlene Coffman Endowed Department Chair of Aerospace Engineering
515-294-5666 | wwchen@iastate.edu
1200A Howe Hall | Department Website

Amy Kaleita

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Amy Kaleita, Larry and Bunita Buss Department Chair
515-294-1434 | kaleita@iastate.edu
1340B Elings Hall | Department Website

Dennis Vigil

Chemical and Biological Engineering
Dennis Vigil, Reginald R. Baxter Endowed Department Chair
515-294-7642 | vigil@iastate.edu
2114 Sweeney Hall | Department Website

David Sanders

Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
David Sanders, Greenwood Department Chair
515-294-2140 | sandersd@iastate.edu
394 Town Engineering | Department Website

Ashfaq Khokhar

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ashfaq Khokhar, Palmer Department Chair
515-294-1097 | ashfaq@iastate.edu
2215 Coover Hall | Department Website

Sarah Ryan portrait

Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Sarah Ryan, C.G. “Turk” and Joyce A. Therkildsen Department Chair
515-294-1682 | smryan@iastate.edu
3004 Black Engineering Building | Department Website

Chris Cornelius

Materials Science and Engineering
Chris Cornelius, Dr. Thomas D. McGee and Dr. Ick-Jhin Rick Yoon Department Chair
515-294-1937 | cjcornel@iastate.edu
2240 Hoover Hall | Department Website

Caroline Hayes portrait

Mechanical Engineering
Caroline C. Hayes, John and Nancy Hayes Department Chair in Mechanical Engineering
515-294-1423 | cchayes@iastate.edu
2043 Black Engineering Building | Department Website