The College of Engineering Glenn Murphy Professorship Program is intended to invite outstanding faculty affiliated with another academic institution to spend up to an academic semester in the College of Engineering at Iowa State University to create a diverse scholarly community who will help enhance the research and graduate education missions of the college.
The Professorship will include a Visiting Faculty Appointment and provide a stipend and funds for travel support. Departments will provide office space for the duration of the professorship and can provide as is appropriate and at their discretion, a nominal amount for project related expenses.
Glenn Murphy Visiting Professors are expected to be on campus the majority duration of the professorship and will be hosted primarily in one department in the college of engineering. They are expected to make contributions to the research and scholarship enterprise of the college of engineering, which can include
- engaging in research and scholarship activities in collaboration with faculty in the College of Engineering and/or across campus;
- engaging the campus community via seminars and workshops; and
- engaging in selected service activities in the host departments. These fellowships are primarily intended to be awarded to faculty at the rank of associate or full professor (or equivalent).