CoE Award for Excellence in Extension and Outreach


To recognize a faculty or staff member who has demonstrated outstanding performance in extension and/or outreach activities.

Eligibility and Criteria

Members of the faculty or professional staff with a minimum of 3 years of service in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be ISU employees at the time of the convocation (Awards Ceremony).

Documented evidence of outstanding contributions to the college’s extension and/or outreach mission over an extended period of time, including testimony from peers and clients.

Submission Requirements

Please combine documents into a single PDF file before submission.

  1. Nomination cover page (includes statement by department chair regarding PRS splits for faculty members) and summary statement on candidate’s accomplishments and impact on extension and/or outreach;
  2. CoE format Vita with info pertaining to extension/outreach;
  3. Statement of accomplishment and impact of activities (up to 4 pages);
  4. Up to 4 letters: 2 from ISU colleagues and 2 from clientele;

