Funding and Support
Costs and Expenses
Learn more about fellowships with answers to these frequent questions.
Aerospace Engineering
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
- American Concrete Institute Concrete Research Foundation
- American Geosciences Institute
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America Foundation Graduate Scholarships
- Dr. W. Wes Eckenfelder Jr. Scholarship
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Fellowships
- National Physical Science Consortium -graduate fellows
- NSF Graduate Funding and Fellowships
- Tau Beta Pi Graduate Fellowships
- United States Society on Dams Scholarship Program
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- American Public Power Association (DEED Program)
- Bloomberg Data Science
- Consortium of Enabling Technologies & Innovation
- DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
- IBM Ph.D. Fellowship
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) – Scholarships
- International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Scholarships and Grants
- National Physical Science Consortium -graduate fellows
- NSF Graduate Funding and Fellowships
- Semiconductor Research Corporation – Fellowships and Scholarships
- Tau Beta Pi Graduate Fellowships
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
- AVS Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing
- Consortium of Enabling Technologies & Innovation
- DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
- The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society
- National Physical Science Consortium -graduate fellows
- Semiconductor Research Corporation – Fellowships and Scholarships
- Smithsonian Institution Fellowships
- Tau Beta Pi Graduate Fellowships
Mechanical Engineering
- American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Fellowships & Scholarships
- American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) Scholarship
- DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
- NSF Graduate Funding and Fellowships
- Tau Beta Pi Graduate Fellowships
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Fellowship
Nondestructive Evaluation
Intelligent Transportation Systems
STEM Graduate Programs and Fellowships
- AFCEA Educational Foundation Scholarships
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- Department of Defense (DOD) NDSEG Fellowships
- Department of Defense (DOD) SMART Scholarships
- Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowships (DOE CSGF)
- Department of Energy NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE NNSA SSGF)
- Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowships (DOE)
- Department of Homeland Security
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- The National Academy of Engineering
- NASA Internships, Fellowships and Scholarships
- National Nuclear Security Administration’s Graduate Program
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP)
- National Security Education Program (NSEP) Boren Fellowship
- Naval Research Enterprise Intern Program (NREIP)
- Office of Postsecondary Education – Student Resources
- PNNL-ISU Distinguished Graduate Research Program (DGRP)
- Sandia National Laboratories
Pathways Programs
- Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE)
- Department of Homeland Security
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- NASA Internships, Fellowships and Scholarships
- Naval Research Enterprise Intern Program (NREIP)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory Graduate Research Summer Internship
- U.S. Office of Personnel Management
- American Consulting Engineers Council Scholarships
- American Meteorological Society Fellowships
- American Public Power Association Fellowships
- American Society of Naval Engineers Scholarships
- Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
- Ford Foundation
- Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs
- Gates Millennium Scholars
- Laura Bessi Scholarship
- LGBTQ+ STEM Scholarship from
- Sloan Foundation
- Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program
- Institute for Broadening Participation Programs
- International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Scholarships and Grants
- Krell Institute
- Link Foundation Energy Fellowships
- Mensa Education and Research Foundation
- National Estuarine Research Reserve System Graduate Research Fellowships
- National Physical Science Consortium (NPSC)
- UNCF/MERCK Scholarships and Fellowships
- AAUW International
- Burroughts Welcome Fund Postdoctoral Enrichment Program (PDEP)
- Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region (CINAR) Post Doc Scholar Fellowship Program
- Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Loreal
- NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships (AAPF)
- National Institutes of Health – NIH F31, F32 and K-Awards
- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowship
- Small Business Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Post Doc Fellowships
- AAUW American Fellowships (for Women) – Educational Funding and Awards
- Amelia Earhart Fellowship
- Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
- BHW Women in STEM
- Buildium Women in Technology
- Delayed Education Scholarship for Women
- Google Anita Borg Scholarship
- International Peace Scholarships Fund
- Loreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowships
- P.E.O. Scholars
- Renate W. Chasman Scholarship for Women
- Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships
- Scholarship for Women in STEM
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- Women’s Club
- Women in Aviation International
- Women in Defense
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
- Women in STEM Scholarship
- Zonta International Foundation Amelia Earhart Fellowships
- Amerian Society of Naval Engineers
- EMJM Scholarships available for the MS^2 International Master
- Fusion Energy Sciences Fellowships
- HDR Scholarship
- Howard Hughes Predoctoral Fellowships in Biological Sciences
- Iowa Space Grant Consortium
- National Physical Sciences Consortium Fellowship Program
- National Society of Professional Engineers
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory Graduate Research Summer Internship
- Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship For New Americans
- SAE: The Yanmar/SAE Scholarship
- Opportunities at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Scholarship Finder Tool
- Summer Institutes: East Asia and Pacific
- Trinect
The College of Engineering has established funds to support students who have unexpected financial emergencies.
The funding is available on a first come, first serve basis with no guarantee of monetary award. The amount will not exceed the amount of need stated by the student and is available only once per academic year with a maximum of two awards during students’ academic career at ISU.
Graduate student eligibility criteria
- An earned minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be in good academic standing
- Majoring in an Engineering discipline
- Must be experiencing a current financial crisis
- Must have an unpaid balance on the ISU U-bill
- Must have exhausted all other aid options
- Evidence of working with Accounts Receivable Office or Office of Student Financial Aid to attempt to pay outstanding debt
What qualifies as an emergency?
An emergency* is defined as an occurrence out of the student’s control during a semester which threatens their ability to remain in school, including but not limited to:
- Natural disaster
- Unplanned disaster to self or immediate family
- Injury or death of a family member
- Catastrophic event impacting financial status
- Or other demonstrable hardships you may be encountering as a result of the financial crisis you are currently experiencing
*Any emergency situation that has resulted in a financial crisis will need to be documented/illustratable, and further documents may be requested if necessary.
Request Funding
Requests for Cyclone Success Assistance funding are made by completing the application in OneApp.