The Academic Program for EXcellence for Engineers (APEXE) is a summer bridge program designed to increase the success rate of incoming first-year engineering students.
LEAD Initiatives
LEAD Learning Community
A living and learning community made up of students who have similar academic and professional goals of being an engineer.
Study Tables
Looking for other engineering students to study with? Want to volunteer to assist first and second-year students with their academic development?
Leadership Certificate & Minor
LEAD offers three engineering leadership courses for the Leadership Certificate and Minor programs. These courses are open to all students interested in leadership studies, regardless of program enrollment.
Industrial Mentoring Program
A mentor-based structured program to support the academic, professional, and social success and retention of undergraduate engineering scholars.
Sophomore Success Program
Assisting in the success of second year students through academic, professional, and social experiences with peers, faculty, staff, and industry professionals.
Upperclassmen Professional Development
A series of workshops geared towards junior and senior students to address different issues regarding higher education, and topics trending locally and globally.