Study Tables

Need Class Help?

Want to connect with other engineering students while studying? Need tutoring assistance with basic program courses such as chemistry, math, physics or others? Attend study tables Sunday through Thursday from 6:30-9:00 p.m. in 3300 Marston Hall. These daily sessions are facilitated by tutors, upperclass students, and LEAD peer mentors.

Visit the Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center is located at 1060 Hixson-Lied. Here you can find access to Tutoring Services, Supplemental Instruction, Help Rooms, Academic Consulting, and countless other resources to assist your development.

Still can’t find what you are looking for?

Visit your Assistant Director of Student Services/LEAD Program Coordinator in 1300 Marston Hall, your academic advisor, or the Multicultural Student Affairs Office in 2080 Student Services Building.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. LeQuetia Ancar via email at or phone at (515) 294-0690.