Major: Software EngineeringGregory Carter

Hometown: Bloomington, IL

Activities and Involvements:
Game Development Club
Fencing Club
Japanese Association
National Society of Black Engineers
Society of International Engineers

Internships, Co-ops, and Research:
State Farm Internship

Why Engineering: As a child, I always liked helping people, and one of the main ways to help someone is to solve a problem that they are having. When I looked it up, Engineers are the ones who solve problems, so I wanted to become one. Because of some medical conditions I have, working in anything manually intensive is very hard for me, but I still wanted to solve problems and help others. My dad is a Computer Science major, and he has a job programming for State Farm. I looked into it, and Computer Science had too much math for me, so I decided to go to Software Engineering.

Favorite ISU Memory: Probably my Freshman year in Martin. COVID-19 was still a major concern, so we didn’t get to get out much, but I remember buying hammocks with my roommates and hammocking around Carver in the trees with them, just talking and doing homework. We would also hang out a lot in our shared space, watching movies and playing games together, so that was another set of fun memories.

Something Unique About Me: I have developed several games and programmed in a musical language to make a song before.

Words of Wisdom (for current and future engineering scholars): Find friends both inside and outside of your major. Not only will they give you different perspectives on problems, but they can help cheer you up when you feel down. Alsos, study abroad as much as possible. Trust me, it’s worth it!