Major: Chemical EngineeringPietro Vannini

Hometown: Montevarchi, Italy

Activities and Involvements: I am a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Next semester I will be a CH E peer mentor for transfer students.

Internships, Co-ops, and Research: I have completed 2 summer internships with OCI Nitrogen Iowa, 2 part-time co-ops with Millenia Engineering, and ready for a summer internship with them. I have been part of the Tessonnier research group in the Chemical and Biological Engineering department for the past 2 semesters.

Why Engineering: From a young age I developed a deep love for problem-solving, understanding how things work and how to make them better. Paired with the interest in chemistry I developed during school, chemical engineering seemed like the perfect choice!

Favorite ISU Memory: Some of my favorite memories at ISU are going to football games, basketball games, and swim meets! Special mention for being at Hilton for the last game of the undefeated season at the Coliseum.

Something Unique About Me: In high school, I studied ancient languages. I can fluently read and translate Latin and Ancient Greek.

Words of Wisdom: Something I would like to tell current and future engineering scholars is to always try to make the best of every opportunity in front of you. Go out of your comfort zone to meet new people and make connections, you never know what might come from them!