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2024 State Championship FAQs

Author: susanmcn

Q: Are parents and families allowed in the judging at the State Championship?

Yes, parents will be allowed in judging rooms. However, there may be a limit to the total number depending on space and volunteers. Two coaches are also allowed. Coaches and family members must enter and exit swiftly–there is only 30 minutes for every judging session including entry and exit of spectators.

However, as a youth-led program, remember the team members themselves are the ones to decide whether or not they WISH to have spectators at all. Judging is closed to the general public, meaning no one other than coaches, teams, or the team families may enter.

Q: Do we really have to be there from 8:00 – 5:00/all day?

Here is the outlined schedule for the day:

Team Check In: 8:00 am
Coaches’ Meeting: 8:30-8:50 am
Opening Ceremony: 9:00-9:20 am
Robot Game Rounds: 9:30 am – 2:50 pm
Judging Sessions: 9:30 am – 2:550 pm
Lunch Break: 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
STEAM Festival Activities: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Team Pit Clean Up: 2:50 – 3:45 pm
Closing Ceremonies 4:00 – 4:30 pm
If your team will miss the opening or closing ceremony, please email

Q: Can we use video/Powerpoint/projection in the judging session?

There will NOT be projection equipment available in the judging sessions. Your team may bring in a laptop or other device to assist in your presentation. Keep in mind that high-tech presentation tools often require troubleshooting to make work—you only have 30 minutes in the judging room.

Q: Can we leave behind documentation/QR codes to supplementary materials in the judging room?

Your team will be evaluated solely on what is shared in the 30-minute presentation. Your team may not leave behind any brochures, posters, flyers, etc. Similarly, while a team may provide a QR code during their presentation, judges will not refer to the linked items once the team leaves the judging area.

Q: Will WiFi be available?

Iowa State University does have a guest WiFi system that people and teams can access. However, there is no guarantee that the WiFi will be working at the time you present and/or in your judging room location. It is wise to have a backup plan if needed.

Q: Can we bring our own TV or projector to present?

You may bring whatever you choose into your judging session. Keep in mind that your team will be traveling between several different buildings during the day. Rain and snow may be a factor. Elevators/stairs may be a factor. Your team will also not have additional time in your 30-minute presentation to set up and take down equipment. The youth should be the ones carrying equipment/setting up whenever possible.

Q: Are we able to bring our own game boards and fields?

You may NOT bring your own game boards as there will not be room in the Pits to contain them. You may bring your mat/mission models but it is not advised.

Q: What will practice tables be like?

All team pits will be in one building, Pearson Hall. On the second floor of Pearson Hall, there will be four practice tables for 50 teams. These will be monitored by practice table attendants. Teams will be able to sign up for 10-minute practice time slots from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. The practice tables will be closed during lunch 11:45-12:45. Teams may only sign up for one time slot at a time. They can request another time slot only after their current time slot is completed. More details will be provided in the coach call and at the coach meeting on the day of the event.

Q: After qualifiers, another team has changed their solution to a mission and now has one identical to ours. One of our members strongly suspects that they accessed our Google drive and saw our solution and skit. What should we do now?

Teams often refine solutions to missions between qualifier and championships. Teams may also be inspired to make changes to a mission based on what they see other teams do to problem solve a mission in the Robot Game at a qualifier (which are open to the public). This is all allowable. If a team does take inspiration from another for a robot game solution, they should acknowledge this during the Robot Design portion of their judging. This is what they should do when describing any outside resource or inspiration they receive during the season.

Innovation projects or delivery methods are sometimes VERY similar from teams that have had no contact with one another. This sort of synchronicity isn’t uncommon in FIRST LEGO League.

Any team PROVEN to intentionally use deception or hacking to access another team’s materials may be disqualified from receiving any award or advancement. Proof would be required in the form of login records or similar documentation and should be forwarded to

Q: What about food? Can we bring it in, or will there be concessions there that teams will be requested to utilize?  If we can bring in food, what are some decent food options that we can bring in?

There will not be organized concession at this event. Some dining/c-stores locations on campus are open on Saturday and Sunday. As per the Team Guide, you are welcome to bring your own food, snacks, lunches to your pits. Please don’t bring microwaves, crockpots, or popcorn makers. If you decide to have food delivered please order it AHEAD of the day of the event. Food deliveries should be sent to Pearson Hall (where the pits are located). You should plan to meet your food delivery driver on the first floor entrance near the driveway.

Q: Can we use Bluetooth connections for our robot in the Pits, Practice Table, or other non-competition areas?

No bluetooth connections to robots are allowed at all during this event in any spaces. Many EV3 and Spike Prime robots have the same factory set ID, so your program may inadvertently be sent to the wrong robot. Please bring a cord to connect your robot to your programming device to avoid interfering with another team’s robot performance.

Q: Will there be a spot for our project boards to be displayed where other groups can wander around and view each other’s work?  Like a showcase space?

Teams can display their project materials in their pit room in Pearson Hall. Other teams are invited to mix and mingle and check out the other projects in Pearson Hall. On Saturday only, there will also be a FIRST LEGO League Explore Expo (grades 2-4) in Sukup/Elings Hall at 10 am – 2 pm. Teams can stop by can give the younger FIRST LEGO Leaguers encouragement and see what they’ve learned this season as well.