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FIRST LEGO League Iowa State Championship Award Winners (Sunday)

Competition Field for the 2023-2024 Season

The Iowa State Championship for FIRST Lego League was held on January 27, 2024 and January 28, 2024 at Iowa State University. The following is the list of the award winners from the Sunday Event.

Robot Performance Award

1 – 14902 Thunder Bots

2 – 56802 SnapDragons

3 – 51039 Coding GOAT

Core Values Award

1 – 30979 Lego Loops

2 – 2838 Flourish & Bots Navy

3 – 2674 The Programming Pros

Breakthrough Award

62055 Crafty Intergalactic Big Brained Pastel Candy Kids

Innovation Project Award

1 – 63788 Carver Elementary Micro:Cougars

2 – 9639 RoboCards

3 – 51759 Coding Chronicles

Champion’s Award

1 – 51039 Coding GOATs

2 – 56802 – SnapDragons

3 – 55913 AlphaBots

Rising All Star Award

53242 Hazel Point Black Robotics Roadrunners

Robot Design Award

1 – 14902 Thunder Bots

2 – 25942 Atomik Wasteland

3 – 38323 Flourish & Bots Gold

Congratulations to all who competed!!