- Introducing Iowa’s New State Judge Advisor: Kayla McIntyreWe are excited to introduce Kayla McIntyre, Iowa’s newest FIRST LEGO League State Judge Advisor! An Iowa State alumnus, Senior Materials Specialist at John Deere, and 17-year veteran of FIRST LEGO League, Kayla is excited to share her experience with the FLL community. As the State Judge Advisor, Kayla is responsible for training judge advisors… Read more: Introducing Iowa’s New State Judge Advisor: Kayla McIntyre
- Introducing Iowa’s New Head Referee: Engineer Rose Berber-SolisWe are excited to present Iowa’s newest FIRST LEGO League Head Referee, engineer Rose Berber-Solis! Berber-Solis is an Iowa State University engineering alumnus and worked as a Recruitment and Outreach Student Assistant for the College of Engineering. After graduating in May, she began working as a highway transportation engineer for HNTB, an engineering firm. Berber-Solis… Read more: Introducing Iowa’s New Head Referee: Engineer Rose Berber-Solis
- Meet the AlphaBots
- Meet The SnapDragons