Julie A Rursch
Email: jrursch@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-2803
Teaching Professor [E CPE]
371G Durham
Ph.D., Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
M.S. Certificate, Information Assurance, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Ph.D., Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
M.S., Journalism and Mass Communication, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
B.S., Applied Science, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL.
Research Areas
Core Area(s): Secure and reliable computing, Engineering education
Department’s Strategic Area(s): Cyber Infrastructure
- Wang, A. Luse, and J.A. Rursch. “The Longitudinal Impact of IT Self-Efficacy and Interest on Intent to Major,” forthcoming Journal of Midwest United States Association for Information Systems.
- A. Rursch and M. K. Ryan. “Professional IT staff use these tools. Why shouldn’t we? Leveraging vSphere, vCenter, ESXi, and PowerCLI to deploy student “corporate” networks in a foundational cyber security engineering course.” Frontiers in Education, College Station, TX, October 18-21, 2023.
- A. Rursch, M. K. Ryan, and A. Luse. “Using digital entrance and exit tickets as a critical thinking tool for undergraduate cyber security engineering labs.” Frontiers in Education, College Station, TX, October 18-21, 2023.
- K. Ryan and J.A. Rursch. “ Developing experiential learning opportunities for undergraduate cyber security engineering students based in IoT security: A work in progress report.” Frontiers in Education, College Station, TX, October 18-21, 2023.
- A. Khani, A. Luse, and J.A. Rursch. “Momma Knows Best: Parental Impact on Intention to Major in IT.” Midwest United States Association for Information Systems, St. Paul, MN, May 19-20, 2023.
- Wang, A. Luse, and J.A. Rursch. “The Changing Nature of IT Career Determinants: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study.” Midwest United States Association for Information Systems, St. Paul, MN, May 19-20, 2023.
- Luse and J.A. Rursch, “Using a Virtual Lab Network Testbed to Facilitate Real-World Hands-on Learning in a Networking Course,” British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 52, issue 3, pp. 1244-1261, May 2021.
- Luse, A. Brown and J.A. Rursch, “Instruction in 802.11 Technology in Online Virtual Labs,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 64, issue 1, pp. 12-17, Feb. 2021.
- Jacobson and J.A. Rursch. “Building a Cyber Security Engineering Program? Begin by Cloning Your Computer Engineering Program.” ASEE Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 21-24, 2020. * Conference conducted virtually
- Luse, J.A. Rursch and D. Jacobson, “Utilizing Structural Equation Modeling and Social Cognitive Career Theory to Identify Factors in Choice of IT as a Major,” ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 14, issue 3, article 19, Nov. 2014.
Primary Strategic Research Area
Secure Cyberspace & Autonomy