Bailey Adams


Assistant Professor


2327 Elings
605 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1098




45% Teaching, 45% Research, 10% Service


  • Applied controls for vehicle machine systems automation
  • Interdisciplinary dynamic systems modeling
  • Data analytics and performance evaluation
  • Chassis suspension engineering
  • Grain drying modeling & controls


  • Ph.D., Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University, 2022
  • B.S., Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University, 2019

Interest Areas

Dr. Adams’s research concentrates on innovative technology development and delivery for the next generation of automation and precision of vehicle machine systems.  His primary interests are applied controls for machinery automation through model-based software development (MBSD), interdisciplinary dynamic systems modeling (DSM), and data analytics and performance evaluation of agricultural machinery systems.  Dr. Adams leverages tools like MATLAB’s Simscape-Simulink environment, dSpace applications, Vector CANoe, and many others to help accomplish research tasks. Furthermore, Dr. Adams is passionate about industry partnerships and currently collaborates with a variety of sponsors on research projects and other intiatives. The fundamental goals of these projects are innovative, product-integrated solutions for agricultural machinery systems, informed directionality on agricultural decisions, and increased productivity and economic & environmental sustainability for the agricultural industry.


Iowa State Digital Ag Innovation Lab


Bailey Adams Google Scholar


Adams, B. J. (2024). Development and analysis of a multibody dynamics suspension air spring model as a function of sprung mass, un-sprung mass, and design height. SAE Int. J. Veh. Dyn., Stab., and NVH, 8(3). 

Adams, B. J., Darr, M. J., & Shah, A. (2023). Optimized chassis stability relative to dynamic terrain profiles in a self-propelled sprayer multibody dynamics model. J. of the ASABE, 66(1): 127-139. 

Adams, B. J. & Darr, M. J. (2022). Validation principles of agricultural machine multibody dynamic models. J. of the ASABE, 65(4): 801-814.

Adams, B. J., Rosentrater, K. (2021). Simulating the dynamic influence of temperature variation on allowable storage time of shelled corn. Cereal Chem, 00:1-11.

Primary Strategic Research Area

Advanced Materials & Manufacturing



