Song, Guowen

Guowen Song image

Mechanical Engineering (Courtesy)
Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management
Noma Scott Lloyd Chair in Textiles and Clothing

External Faculty | ME Courtesy Appointments Mechanical Engineering

Hargrave, Connie

Connie Hargrave image

Associate Dean for Engagement and Excellence
Engineering Administration

Faculty | College of Engineering Engineering Administration

Reber, Jacqueline

Jacqueline Reber image

Associate Professor
Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean's Faculty Fellow

Faculty | Geological And Atmospheric Sciences

Song, Guowen

Guowen Song image

Professor [AESHM]

Faculty | Apparel Events & Hospitality Management

Cornelius, Chris

Chris Cornelius image Department Chair [M S E]
Faculty | CBE Courtesy Appointments College of Engineering Materials Science and Engineering MSE Department Chair MSE Faculty

Curtzwiler, Greg

Greg Curtzwiler image Assistant Professor [FS HN]

Assistant Professor, Food Sciences and Human Nutrition

Courtesy Professor, Agricultural and Biosystems engineering

Faculty | ABE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering College of Engineering Food Science & Human Nutrition

Haughery, John

John Haughery image Affiliate Assistant Professor [A&BE]

Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Engineering, Safety and Technology, Millersville University

Affiliate Professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

External Faculty | ABE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering College of Engineering

Blakely, Benjamin

Benjamin Blakely image Assistant Teaching Professor [E CPE]
External Faculty | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Cyber Security Machine Learning Psychology of Risk

Le, Wei

Wei Le image

Associate Professor
Computer Science

Faculty | Computer Science SE Faculty Software Engineering | Machine Learning and Deep Learning Software Engineering

Wymore, Mathew

Mathew Wymore image Assistant Teaching Professor [E CPE]
Faculty | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Wireless Sensor Networks