Beckman, Sarah

Sarah Beckman image

Teaching Laboratory Specialist II

Staff | College of Engineering Materials Science and Engineering MSE Staff

Vogel, Anthony

Anthony Vogel image Information Technology Support III [ENTS]
Staff | Engineering Technology Support

Braga, Ryan

Ryan Braga image MSE Laboratory Manager [M S E]
Staff | Materials Science and Engineering MSE Staff

Kuhlman, Julie

Julie Kuhlman image

Graduate Services Assistant [M S E]
Materials Science and Engineering

Staff | Grants Hub

Winter, Jenni

Jenni Winter image Finance Manager [FINDL]
Staff | Division Of Finance Finance Delivery Svp For Operations & Finance

Fay, James

James Fay image

Entrepreneur in Residence
Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Staff | Engineering Administration | Business start up Engineering Entrepreneurial Product Development

Lee, Jaejin

Jaejin Lee image Research Scientist III [A&BE]

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Assistant Scientist
Research Scientist III

Staff | ABE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Schuster, Tracy

Tracy Schuster image Director of the Iowa Lean Consortium [CIRAS]

Program Director

Staff | Center For Industrial Research and Service | Industrial process improvement Lean Product and Process Development Engineering Manufacturing Change Management Optimization Student Professional Development

Ferm, Samantha

Samantha Ferm image Industry Extension Specialist III [CIRAS]
Staff | Center For Industrial Research and Service