Thorland-Oster, Vicky

Vicky Thorland-Oster image Student Services Specialist III [E CPE]

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Staff | ECpE Staff Electrical and Computer Engineering

Roberts, John

John Roberts image Industry Extension Specialist IV [CIRAS]
Staff | Center For Industrial Research and Service

Schroeder, Camille

Camille Schroeder image Program Specialist III [A&BE]
Staff | ABE Research Staff Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Center For Industrial Research and Service

Jensen, Nate

Nate Jensen image

Systems Analyst
Mechanical Engineering

Staff | ME Staff Mechanical Engineering

Qvale, Nancy

Nancy Qvale image Manager Business Administration [CCE E]

Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Staff | CCEE Staff Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering

Thompson, Derek

Derek Thompson image Strategic Advisor [CIRAS]
Staff | Center For Industrial Research and Service

Briley, Krista

Krista Briley image

Assistant to the Department Chair
Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Staff | IMSE Staff Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Gormley, Paul

Paul Gormley image Industry Extension Specialist IV [CIRAS]
Staff | Center For Industrial Research and Service

Dickerson, John

John Dickerson image Systems Analyst III [ITS]
Staff | Information Technology Services

Renze, Michael

Michael Renze image

Systems Support Specialist
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Staff | IMSE Staff Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering