Slaughter, Julie

Julie Slaughter image

Associate Scientist/Scientist

Staff | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty Ames Laboratory Of US DOE

Paudyal, Durga

Durga Paudyal image

Adjunct Associate Professor and Ames Laboratory Scientist II
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ames Laboratory

Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE College of Engineering ECpE Adjunct Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering

Prozorov, Tanya

Tanya Prozorov image

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE CBE Professors College of Engineering | Electron Microscopy Interfacial Engineering Materials Characterization Nanomaterials Surfaces and interfaces

Cui, Senlin

Senlin Cui image Postdoc Research Associate [A LAB]
External Staff | Aerospace Engineering Ames Laboratory Of US DOE

Ouyang, Gaoyuan

Gaoyuan Ouyang image Ames Laboratory Scientist II [A LAB]
Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE Materials Science and Engineering

Schwartz, Adam

Adam Schwartz image

Materials Science and Engineering
Director, U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory

Faculty | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE Materials Science and Engineering MSE Faculty

Lograsso, Thomas

Thomas Lograsso image

Director III
Ames Laboratory
Materials Science and Engineering

Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE

Ingalls-Hurley, Lisa

Lisa Ingalls-Hurley image Administrative Assistant Ii [WLNSS]
Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE Assistant Vp For Student Health Services Student Counseling Service Student Wellness Vice President Student Affairs

Anderson, Iver E

Iver E Anderson image

Adjunct Professor
Materials Science and Engineering
Ames Laboratory

External | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE MSE Adjunct, Affiliate, Courtesy Appointments

Nlebedim, Cajetan

Cajetan Nlebedim image

Adjunct Assistant Professor and Associate Scientist

Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE ECpE Adjunct Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering