Hindman, Richard

Richard Hindman image

Associate Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering

External | AERE Emeritus and Retired Faculty

Hilliard, James

James Hilliard image

Associate Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering

External | AERE Emeritus and Retired Faculty

Bentil, Sarah

Sarah Bentil image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Building a World of Difference Faculty Fellow in Engineering
Neuroscience (Courtesy)
Biomedical Sciences (Affiliate)
Aerospace Engineering (Affiliate)

Faculty | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Biomaterials Blast impact injury mechanisms Blunt impact injury mechanisms Brain-machine interfaces High-speed imaging Soft tissue biomechanics Traumatic brain injuries

Pouya, Shahram

Shahram Pouya image

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering | Aerodynamics Experimental Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Flow visualization Fluid mechanics Fluorescence Imaging Microfluidics Multiphase flow Optical diagnostics Surfaces and interfaces

Gonzalez-Torres, Tomas

Tomas Gonzalez-Torres image

Affiliate Associate Teaching Professor

External Faculty | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty

Sheidaei, Azadeh

Azadeh Sheidaei image

Assistant Professor

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering ME Courtesy Appointments Mechanical Engineering | Computational biomechanics Computational Materials Science Computational Mechanics Engineering education Machine Learning Materials Characterization Metamaterials Nanocomposites Optimization Soft matter

Rozier, Kristin-Yvonne

Kristin-Yvonne Rozier image

Associate Professor, Dennis and Rebecca Muilenburg Professor
Computer Science (Courtesy)
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Courtesy)
Mathematics (Courtesy)
Virtual Reality Applications Center (Affiliation)

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering ECpE Courtesy Appointments | Algorithms Automated Reasoning Autonomy Discrete Mathematics Formal Methods Model Checking Requirements Specification Robotics Runtime Verification Satisfiability

Sherman, Peter

Peter Sherman image

Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Statistics

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering Statistics | Antenna analysis and design Biomedical Engineering Dynamical systems modeling Engineering education Food and agricultural system improvements and evaluation Human computer Interaction Human factors Information Theory Nondestructive Evaluation Sensor array processing

Holger, David

David Holger image

Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering

Emeritus Faculty | AERE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Aerospace Engineering Senior Vice President and Provost

Burnett-Larkins, John

John Burnett-Larkins image

Communications Specialist
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Engineering College Relations

Staff | AERE Staff Aerospace Engineering CBE Staff Chemical and Biological Engineering Engineering College Relations