Anderson, Clayton

Clayton Anderson image

Professor of Practice
President/CEO Strategic Air Command (SAC) and Aerospace Museum

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering | Engineering education Human factors Operational planning Real-time systems Robotics Simulation

Schafbuch, Paul

Paul Schafbuch image

Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies
Professor of Practice
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | Aerospace Engineering Center For Nondestructive Evaluation ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Boundary Element methods Controls Engineering Mechanics Mechanical Properties of Cryogenic Ice Nondestructive Evaluation Product Development Wave Scattering Simulation

Johannsen, Jenny

Jenny Johannsen image

Associate Teaching Professor

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering

Dorneich, Michael

Michael Dorneich image

Morrill Professor
Joseph Walkup Professor
Director of Research (IMSE)

Faculty | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty IMSE Faculty Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Adaptive Automation Cognitive engineering Collaborative decision-making Engineering education Human computer Interaction Human factors Team-based learning User experience

Sharma, Anupam

Anupam Sharma image


Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering Virtual Reality Applications Center | Aeroacoustics Aerodynamic Noise Aerodynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics Wind Energy

Bond, Leonard

Leonard Bond image

Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering
Courtesy Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Emeritus Faculty | AERE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Aerospace Engineering | Composites and civil structures Material state awareness NDT and processing Nondestructive evaluation for metals Sensors for harsh environments Structural health monitoring energy and defense systems Ultrasonics for metrology

Zarechnyy, Oleg

Oleg Zarechnyy image

Associate Teaching Professor

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering

Chimenti, Dale

Dale Chimenti image

Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering

Emeritus Faculty | AERE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Aerospace Engineering

Roberts, Ronald

Ronald Roberts image Adjunct Associate Professor [CNDE]
Faculty | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty Center For Nondestructive Evaluation Engineering Administration