Hosteng, Travis

Travis Hosteng image Assistant Teaching Professor [CCE E]
Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering

Sturgill, Roy

Roy Sturgill image Assistant Professor [CCE E]

Construction Engineer, Construction Management and Technology Program [Institute for Transportation

Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering

Easterling, W. Samuel

W. Samuel Easterling image

James L. and Katherine S. Melsa Dean of Engineering

Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering Engineering Administration Senior Vice President and Provost

Wibowo, Hartanto

Hartanto Wibowo image Assistant Teaching Professor [CCE E]
Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering | Earthquake Engineering Static and dynamic laboratory soil testing Structural Dynamics

Schwab, Lauren

Lauren Schwab image

Assistant Teaching Professor [CCE E]

Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering

Li, Cheng

Cheng Li image Postdoc Research Associate [CCE E]
External | Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering

Kremer, Paul

Paul Kremer image Manager Research [CCE E]

Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Manager Research/Building Systems Program Manager

Staff | CCEE Staff Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering

Wall, Donald

Donald Wall image

Adjunct Assistant Professor (retired) [CCEE]
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

External | CCEE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering

Pitt, John

John Pitt image

Professor (retired) [CCEE]
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

External | CCEE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering

Oulman, Charles

Charles Oulman image

Professor Emeritus [CCEE]
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

External | CCEE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering