Thomas M. Whitney Professor of Electrical Engineering
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Demand Side ControlDistributed Resources Impacts on the GridPower System SecurityPower System Voltage StabilityWide Area Monitoring and ControlWind and Solar integration and their impact on the grid
Barbara and James R. Palmer Professorship in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | AutomationBiosensors and point of care diagnosticsCyber-Physical SystemsData Analytics and Machine LearningDynamics and ControlEnergy HarvestingFood and agricultural system improvements and evaluationFormal MethodsMachine visionNanophotonicsNetworks and Distributed SystemsPower Systems Modeling and ControlReal-Time Embedded Systems and Sensor NetworksSensorsSoftware analysis for cybersecurity
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Digital ForensicsHuman-centric Computing and ServicesInformation SecurityNetworks and Distributed SystemsPrivacy
Faculty | Center For Nondestructive EvaluationECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Antenna analysis and designComputational electromagneticsEddy current NDEElectromagnetic and elastic wave propagation and scatteringInverse scattering and nondestructive evaluationMetamaterialsModeling of interconnects and RF components and signal integrityUltrasonic Non-Destructive Testing
Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering
Murray J. and Ruth M. Harpole Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Security for Smart GridCyber Security for Critical Infrastructure SystemsInternet of Things (IoT) Security and PrivacyQuality of Service (QoS) and Overlay NetworksReal-Time Embedded Systems and Sensor Networks
Engineering Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellow in ECE
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer EngineeringSE FacultySoftware Engineering | Improving software quality and productivityManaging software complexityMission-critical control systems softwareModel-based software reasoning for safety and securityProgram mining with graph databaseSoftware analysis for cybersecurity
Faculty | Center For Nondestructive EvaluationECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Data Analytics and Machine LearningDetection and estimationSensor array processingSignal processing for nondestructive evaluationSignal processing theory and methodsSparse signal reconstructionStatistical signal processing