Ahmad, Arsalan

Arsalan Ahmad image

Research Associate Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ahmed, Shakil

Shakil Ahmed image

Term Faculty

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering

Li, Mingxuan

Mingxuan Li image Research Scientist Ii [E CPE]

• Research Scientist II [E CPE]
• IEEE Senior Member

Staff | ECpE Staff Electrical and Computer Engineering | Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Applications in Engineering Cloud Computing Cloud native Software-defined network

Christy, Colin

Colin Christy image

Research Assistant Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering

Soliman, Mohammed

Mohammed Soliman image

Research and Engineering Manager

Staff | ECpE Staff Electrical and Computer Engineering | Agricultural conservation practices Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Applications in Engineering Big Data Biomedical Engineering Data Analytics and Machine Learning Data-Driven Eng and Sci Manufacturing Processes Optimization

Biswas, Krishna

Krishna Biswas image Systems Analyst II [E CPE]

Systems Analyst II

Staff | ECpE Staff Electrical and Computer Engineering

Li, Shuang

Shuang Li image

Assistant Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering | Game theory Machine Learning Optimization Signal Processing

Farzana, Esmat

Esmat Farzana image

Assistant Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering | and Interfaces Contacts Defects in Crystals Dielectric High-power Devices Materials Characterization Materials under Extreme Environments Radiation-tolerant Devices Thermal management Wide-bandgap and Ultrawide-bandgap Semiconductors

Cui, Bai

Bai Cui image

Assistant Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electric power systems Power Systems Modeling and Control Renewable Energy Integration

Foster, Lindsay

Lindsay Foster image

Program Specialist I

Staff | ECpE Staff Electrical and Computer Engineering