Babu, Sarath

Sarath Babu image Research Scientist II [E CPE]
Staff | College of Engineering ECpE Staff Electrical and Computer Engineering | Wireless Networks

Shannon, Rachel Ann

Rachel Ann Shannon image Assistant Teaching Professor [E CPE]
Faculty | College of Engineering ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering

Gaffar, Ashraf

Ashraf Gaffar image Teaching Professor [E CPE]
Faculty | College of Engineering ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering SE Faculty

Schroeder, Seth

Seth Schroeder image

Academic Advisor II [E CPE]

Staff | College of Engineering ECpE Staff Electrical and Computer Engineering

Paudyal, Durga

Durga Paudyal image

Adjunct Associate Professor and Ames Laboratory Scientist II
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ames Laboratory

Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE College of Engineering ECpE Adjunct Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dubert, Lynne

Lynne Dubert image Administrative Assistant II [E CPE]
Staff | College of Engineering ECpE Staff Electrical and Computer Engineering

Blakely, Benjamin

Benjamin Blakely image Assistant Teaching Professor [E CPE]
External Faculty | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Cyber Security Machine Learning Psychology of Risk

Wymore, Mathew

Mathew Wymore image Assistant Teaching Professor [E CPE]
Faculty | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Wireless Sensor Networks

Frickel, Ally

Ally Frickel image Program Specialist I [E CPE]
External | Electrical and Computer Engineering