Nordman, Daniel

Daniel Nordman image

Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (Courtesy)

Faculty | IMSE Affiliate and Courtesy Appointments Statistics

Hallbeck, M. Susan

Susan Hallbeck image

Affiliate Professor
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

External | IMSE Affiliate and Courtesy Appointments

Ghosh, Arka

Arka Ghosh image

Associate Professor
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (Courtesy)

Faculty | IMSE Affiliate and Courtesy Appointments Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Statistics

Jiang, Shan

Shan Jiang image

Associate Professor
Materials Science and Engineering

Faculty | IMSE Affiliate and Courtesy Appointments Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Materials Science and Engineering MSE Faculty | 3D printing Additive Manufacturing Biobased Materials Biomaterials Biorenewables Coating Materials Drug Delivery Engineering education Nanomaterials Soft matter

Oliver, James

James Oliver image

University Professor
Pithan Director of Innovation
Student Innovation Center

Faculty | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty ECpE Courtesy Appointments Electrical and Computer Engineering Engineering Administration Graduate College IMSE Affiliate and Courtesy Appointments ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering Student Innovation Center | Augmented and mixed reality Human computer Interaction Optimization Product development and manufacturing process automation Virtual Visualization and simulation