Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering Gary and Donna Hoover Chair in Mechanical Engineering Professor of Mechanical Engineering Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering (Courtesy) Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (Courtesy) Food Science and Human Nutrition (Courtesy) Co-Director, Bioeconomy Institute
Faculty | ABE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy FacultyBioeconomy InstituteCBE Courtesy AppointmentsME FacultyMechanical Engineering | Biobased productsBioenergyBiofuelsBiorenewablesCarbon Capture and ConversionEnvironmental Sustainability
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | High-speed imaging and broad-band viscoelasticity spectroscopy of soft and biological materialsNanoscale probe-based broadband biomechanics characterizationSystem-inversion based feedforward-feedback control optimal control and iterative control theory and implementation to nanotechnology
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | Drop EvaporationDrop ImpactDrop Triple Line Dynamics at low and high temperaturesFlow PatternsHeat TransferMulti-Phase Thermal-Fluid DynamicsPressure DropWettability
Associate Teaching Professor Mechanical Engineering
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | Atom Probe Tomographybiomaterials and bioseningbiotemplated synthesis of nanowiresSolar cellsTransmission Electron MicroscopyWater splitting
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | biosensors and thermoelectric generatorsElectrochemical and fluorescent biosensors and cellular probesgraphene and carbon nanotube synthesisLab-on-a-chip biosensorsMicroneedle sensors and drug deliveryPrinted sensorsWearable energy harvesters
Walter W. Wilson Faculty Fellow in Engineering and Professor Mechanical Engineering
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | Building energyCyber-Physical SystemsData Analytics and Machine LearningDistributed Optimization and ControlsMulti-agent robotics and complex networksPlant science applications