Walter W. Wilson Faculty Fellow in Engineering and Professor Mechanical Engineering
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | Building energyCyber-Physical SystemsData Analytics and Machine LearningDistributed Optimization and ControlsMulti-agent robotics and complex networksPlant science applications
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | AeroelasticityBiomechanicsComputational MechanicsFluid-Structure InteractionIsogeometric and Finite Element Analysis
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer EngineeringME Faculty | BiophotonicsBiosensors and point of care diagnosticsmicrofabrication and nanofabricationOptoelectronicsSpectroscopy and microscopySynthetic biology
Professor, and John and Nancy Hayes Department Chair in Mechanical Engineering
Faculty | ME Department ChairME FacultyMechanical Engineering | Decision making in natural work settingsDecision support in complex tasks ranging from product design to driving and military intelligence analysisGlobally distributed design teams and barriers to their effectivenessTelemedicineTools for virtual collaboration
Associate Teaching Professor Mechanical Engineering
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | BiorenewablesDynamics of TeamworkFlipped classroomLean Product and Process Development EngineeringManagementManufacturing and Design EngineeringMarketingMultidisciplinary teamsOrganizational BehaviorProduct Development and ManagementProject ManagementQualitySix SigmaStatistical Process ControlStatisticsStrategic LeadershipStudent Professional DevelopmentSupply chain management