Hagge, Mathew

Mathew Hagge image

Associate Teaching Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Combustion Computational modeling Pyrolysis Thermodynamics Visualization of bloodstain pattern analysis Wood

Shrotriya, Pranav

Pranav Shrotriya image

Manorama and Shyam Bahadur Professor
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director of Graduate Education

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Biosensors and point of care diagnostics Hybrid non-traditional manufacturing Material falure under chemical and mechanical loading

Bryden, Kenneth

Kenneth Bryden image

Mechanical Engineering
Program Director for Simulation, Modeling and Decision Science at Ames Laboratory

Faculty | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Decision Science Modeling Simulation

Subramaniam, Shankar

Shankar Subramaniam image

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Coarse-graining Combustion Direct numerical simulation and computational fluid dynamics Gas-solid and particle-laden flow Granular flow Mixing Nanoparticles Spray modeling Statistical mechanics Stochastic models

Sundararajan, Sriram

Sriram Sundararajan image Associate Dean [ENG]

Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Engineering

Faculty | Engineering Administration ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Atom Probe Tomography Boundary and mixed lubrication testing Friction and Wear of materials and coatings Pitting and rolling contact fatigue Scanning Probe Microscopy Surface patterning and modification

Olsen, Michael

Michael Olsen image Professor [M E]

Mechanical Engineering
Chemical & Biological Engineering (Courtesy)

Faculty | CBE Courtesy Appointments ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Experimental fluid mechanics Microelectromechanical Systems

Heindel, Theodore (Ted)

Theodore (Ted) Heindel image

Bergles Professor of Thermal Science and University Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical and Biological Engineering (Courtesy)
Director, Center for Multiphase Flow Research and Education (CoMFRE)

Faculty | CBE Courtesy Appointments Engineering Research Institute ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Biorenewables Energy Education Energy Utilization Experimental multiphase flows Flow visualization Fluid mechanics Gas-solid and particle-laden flow Granular Flows X-ray imaging

Winer, Eliot

Eliot Winer image

Professor and Director of VRAC
Mechanical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering (Courtesy)
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Courtesy)

Faculty | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty ECpE Courtesy Appointments ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering Virtual Reality Applications Center | Computer Graphics Data Analytics and Machine Learning Engineering Design Optimization Medical Imaging Optimization and Analysis Virtual Product Assembly Virtual reality for product design

Oliver, James

James Oliver image

University Professor
Pithan Director of Innovation
Student Innovation Center

Faculty | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty ECpE Courtesy Appointments Electrical and Computer Engineering Engineering Administration Graduate College IMSE Affiliate and Courtesy Appointments ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering Student Innovation Center | Augmented and mixed reality Human computer Interaction Optimization Product development and manufacturing process automation Virtual Visualization and simulation

Mba-Wright, Mark

Mark Mba-Wright image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Biofuels bioproducts Biorefining Life cycle energy system analysis Process design and simulation Techno-economic analysis Thermochemical conversion Thermodynamic system analysis