Nlebedim, Cajetan

Cajetan Nlebedim image

Adjunct Assistant Professor and Associate Scientist

Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE ECpE Adjunct Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering

Meyer, Terrence

Terrence Meyer image Collaborator Professor [M E]

Mechanical Engineering

External | Mechanical Engineering

Morris, Max

Max Morris image

Professor Emeritus
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Emeritus Faculty | IMSE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Statistics

Kuuttila, Alan

Alan Kuuttila image Systems Analyst II [A&BE]

Systems Analyst II

Staff | ABE Department Staff ABE Staff Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

King, Alexander

Alexander King image

Professor Emeritus

Emeritus Faculty | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE Materials Science and Engineering MSE Emeritus and Retired Faculty | Critical Materials Defects in Crystals Electron Microscopy Interfacial Engineering Magnetic materials Manufacturing Processes Material Flow Analysis Mechanical Properties of Materials Mesostructured Materials Phase Transformations in Metals Structure-property relationships Surfaces and interfaces

Kim, Sunghwan

Sunghwan Kim image Research Scientist III [ITRNS]

Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Staff | CCEE Adjunct and Courtesy Institute For Transportation

Kramer, Matthew

Matthew Kramer image

Director III
Ames Laboratory
Materials Science and Engineering

Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE MSE Adjunct, Affiliate, Courtesy Appointments | Advanced material processing Advanced materials Electron Microscopy Magnetic materials Materials Characterization Materials under Extreme Environments Structure-property relationships Surfaces and interfaces

Holger, David

David Holger image

Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering

Emeritus Faculty | AERE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Aerospace Engineering Senior Vice President and Provost

Johnson, Duane

Duane Johnson image Distinguished Professor [M S E]

Anson Marston Distinguished Professor of Engineering (2021-current)
F. Wendell Miller Professor of Energy Sciences (2010-2020)

Faculty | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE CBE Courtesy Appointments Materials Science and Engineering MSE Faculty | Computational Materials Science Electronic Structure Materials Characterization Materials Design and Discovery Materials Theory Materials under Extreme Environments Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations

Hornbuckle, Brian

Brian Hornbuckle image Professor [AGRON]
Faculty | Agronomy ECpE Courtesy Appointments | Hydrology Microwave remote sensing Remote sensing of soil moisture Remote sensing of vegetation satellite remote sensing Water cycle