Richards, Andrew

Andrew Richards image

Budget Analyst (ME & MSE)

Staff | College of Engineering Engineering Administration Engineering Strategic Finance Graduate College Materials Science and Engineering MSE Staff Senior Vice President and Provost

Soupir, Michelle

Michelle Soupir image

Associate Dean, Graduate College
Professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Faculty | ABE Faculty Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering CCEE Adjunct and Courtesy Graduate College | Best management practices Environmental Microbiology Nutrients Water Quality Water quality modeling Water quality monitoring

Jackman, John

John Jackman image

Associate Professor
Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Faculty | Graduate College IMSE Faculty Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Computational modeling System design System operations Uncertainty in systems

Rover, Diane

Diane Rover image

University Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate College | Embedded computer systems Engineering education parallel and distributed systems Performance monitoring and evaluation Reconfigurable Hardware Visualization

Gilbert, Stephen

Stephen Gilbert image

Associate Professor
Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Director, Human Computer Interaction
Associate Director, Virtual Reality Application Center

Faculty | Graduate College IMSE Faculty Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Human factors Human-agent teaming Human-machine systems intelligent tutoring systems interaction design Training technologies User experience

Oliver, James

James Oliver image

University Professor
Pithan Director of Innovation
Student Innovation Center

Faculty | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty ECpE Courtesy Appointments Electrical and Computer Engineering Engineering Administration Graduate College IMSE Affiliate and Courtesy Appointments ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering Student Innovation Center | Augmented and mixed reality Human computer Interaction Optimization Product development and manufacturing process automation Virtual Visualization and simulation