Easterling, W. Samuel

W. Samuel Easterling image

James L. and Katherine S. Melsa Dean of Engineering

Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering Engineering Administration Senior Vice President and Provost

Richards, Andrew

Andrew Richards image

Budget Analyst (ME & MSE)

Staff | College of Engineering Engineering Administration Engineering Strategic Finance Graduate College Materials Science and Engineering MSE Staff Senior Vice President and Provost

Wickert, Jonathan

Jonathan Wickert image

Mechanical Engineering
Senior Vice President and Provost

Faculty | Library ME Faculty Senior Vice President and Provost | Applied mechanics Continuous and multibody systems dynamics Data storage Flexible web material manufacturing friction-vibration interaction Mechanical vibration Noise control

Schweers, Rob

Rob Schweers image Senior Manager Communications [SVPP]
Staff | Senior Vice President and Provost

Holger, David

David Holger image

Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering

Emeritus Faculty | AERE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Aerospace Engineering Senior Vice President and Provost

Johnston, Julia

Julia Johnston image Senior Executive Administrative Assistant [SVPP]
External | Senior Vice President and Provost

Mickelson, Steven

Steven Mickelson image

Charles R. & Jane F. Olsen Professor

Faculty | ABE Faculty Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Senior Vice President and Provost | Agricultural conservation practices Geographic information systems Surface water quality Vegetative buffer strips Water Quality Watershed modeling