Secor, Ethan

Ethan Secor image

Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Advanced manufacturing Aerosol jet printing Automation Conformal printing Digital printing Flexible Electronics Functionally graded materials Ink formulation Inkjet printing Nanomaterial inks

Lee, John

John Lee image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Additive Manufacturing Cold Spray Computational Fluid Dynamics Containerless Processing Electrostatic/Electromagnetic Levitation Finite Element Analysis High Temperature Materials

Juarez, Jaime

Jaime Juarez image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Colloids Experimental fluid mechanics Flow in porous media Microfabrication Microfluidics Optical Microscopy Polymers Self-Assembly Soft matter

Krishnamurthy, Adarsh

Adarsh Krishnamurthy image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Human Computer Interactions
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Courtesy)

Faculty | ECpE Courtesy Appointments Electrical and Computer Engineering ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering Virtual Reality Applications Center | Additive Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Applications in Engineering Biomechanics Cardiac Modeling Computer Graphics Computer-Aided Design GPU and Parallel Computing GPU computing High Performance Computing Interactive Scientific Visualization Isogeometric and Finite Element Analysis Machine Learning Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing

Hsu, Ming-Chen

Ming-Chen Hsu image

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Aeroelasticity Biomechanics Computational Mechanics Fluid-Structure Interaction Isogeometric and Finite Element Analysis

Michael, James

James Michael image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Combustion Multiphase flow Propulsion Spectroscopy Spray and droplet physics

Passalacqua, Alberto

Alberto Passalacqua image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical & Biological Engineering (Courtesy)
Associate Director Center for Multiphase Flow Research and Education (CoMFRE)

Faculty | CBE Courtesy Appointments ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Aerosols Computational Fluid Dynamics Device-scale simulation of multiphase flows Electrostatics in fluidization Fermentation Fluidized beds Gas-liquid flows Gas-particle flows Multiphase flows Numerical methods OpenFOAM

Hashemi, Nicole

Nicole Hashemi image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Leadership Team Member, Center for Multiphase Flow Research and Education (CoMFRE)

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Biomaterials Lab on a Chip Manufacturing Processes Materials Processing Microfabrication Microfluidics Organ on a Chip

Subramaniam, Shankar

Shankar Subramaniam image

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Coarse-graining Combustion Direct numerical simulation and computational fluid dynamics Gas-solid and particle-laden flow Granular flow Mixing Nanoparticles Spray modeling Statistical mechanics Stochastic models

Olsen, Michael

Michael Olsen image Professor [M E]

Mechanical Engineering
Chemical & Biological Engineering (Courtesy)

Faculty | CBE Courtesy Appointments ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Experimental fluid mechanics Microelectromechanical Systems