Tekeste, Mehari

Mehari Tekeste image

Associate Professor

Faculty | ABE Faculty Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering | Modeling interaction biomass and soil with off-road machines Off-road machines soil dynamics and traction

Subramaniam, Shankar

Shankar Subramaniam image

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Coarse-graining Combustion Direct numerical simulation and computational fluid dynamics Gas-solid and particle-laden flow Granular flow Mixing Nanoparticles Spray modeling Statistical mechanics Stochastic models

Heindel, Theodore (Ted)

Theodore (Ted) Heindel image

Bergles Professor of Thermal Science and University Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical and Biological Engineering (Courtesy)
Director, Center for Multiphase Flow Research and Education (CoMFRE)

Faculty | CBE Courtesy Appointments Engineering Research Institute ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Biorenewables Energy Education Energy Utilization Experimental multiphase flows Flow visualization Fluid mechanics Gas-solid and particle-laden flow Granular Flows X-ray imaging

Rehmann, Chris

Chris Rehmann image

Cerwick Faculty Professor
Associate Professor
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering | Groundwater Lakes Mixing in rivers Oceans Turbulence and fluid mechanics Water quantity and quality

Wang, Kejin

Kejin Wang image

Wilson Engineering Professor
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering | Cement chemistry Corrosion Durability: alkali-silica reaction Fly ash Freeze-thaw Hydration Mass concrete Microstructure particle interaction: nanolimestone and nanoclay Pervious concrete