Song, Guowen

Guowen Song image

Professor [AESHM]

Faculty | Apparel Events & Hospitality Management

Lee, John

John Lee image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Additive Manufacturing Cold Spray Computational Fluid Dynamics Containerless Processing Electrostatic/Electromagnetic Levitation Finite Element Analysis High Temperature Materials

Juarez, Jaime

Jaime Juarez image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Colloids Experimental fluid mechanics Flow in porous media Microfabrication Microfluidics Optical Microscopy Polymers Self-Assembly Soft matter

Tekeste, Mehari

Mehari Tekeste image

Associate Professor

Faculty | ABE Faculty Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering | Modeling interaction biomass and soil with off-road machines Off-road machines soil dynamics and traction

Krishnamurthy, Adarsh

Adarsh Krishnamurthy image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Human Computer Interactions
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Courtesy)

Faculty | ECpE Courtesy Appointments Electrical and Computer Engineering ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering Virtual Reality Applications Center | Additive Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Applications in Engineering Biomechanics Cardiac Modeling Computer Graphics Computer-Aided Design GPU and Parallel Computing GPU computing High Performance Computing Interactive Scientific Visualization Isogeometric and Finite Element Analysis Machine Learning Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing

Hsu, Ming-Chen

Ming-Chen Hsu image

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Aeroelasticity Biomechanics Computational Mechanics Fluid-Structure Interaction Isogeometric and Finite Element Analysis

Hashemi, Nicole

Nicole Hashemi image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Leadership Team Member, Center for Multiphase Flow Research and Education (CoMFRE)

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Biomaterials Lab on a Chip Manufacturing Processes Materials Processing Microfabrication Microfluidics Organ on a Chip

Subramaniam, Shankar

Shankar Subramaniam image

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Coarse-graining Combustion Direct numerical simulation and computational fluid dynamics Gas-solid and particle-laden flow Granular flow Mixing Nanoparticles Spray modeling Statistical mechanics Stochastic models