Kothari, Suraj

Suraj Kothari image Professor [E CPE]

Engineering Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellow in ECE

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering SE Faculty Software Engineering | Improving software quality and productivity Managing software complexity Mission-critical control systems software Model-based software reasoning for safety and security Program mining with graph database Software analysis for cybersecurity

Tyagi, Akhilesh

Akhilesh Tyagi image

Professor and Director of Software Engineering Program

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering Liberal Arts & Sciences Administration SE Faculty Software Engineering | Computer architecture Embedded systems Hardware Security Mobile Computing VLSI

Jacobson, Doug

Doug Jacobson image

University Professor
Sunil & Sujata Gaitonde Professorship in Cybersecurity
Director: ISU Center for Cybersecurity Innovation and Outreach

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering | Computer Security Cyber Physical Security Network Security Security Literacy and Education Security Test beds