Ahmed, Shakil

Shakil Ahmed image


Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering

Gaffar, Ashraf

Ashraf Gaffar image Teaching Professor [E CPE]
Faculty | College of Engineering ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering SE Faculty

Fila, Nicholas

Nicholas Fila image

Assistant Teaching Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering

Selim, Mohamed

Mohamed Selim image

Associate Teaching Professor
IEEE Senior Member

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering | Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Applications in Engineering Cyber Security Cyber-Physical Systems Energy Efficiency Engineering education Optimization Wireless Networks

Jones, Phillip

Phillip Jones image

Associate Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering | Adaptive computing systems Embedded systems Fault tolerant systems Microprocessor off-load hardware for application acceleration Real-time systems Reconfigurable Hardware

Rover, Diane

Diane Rover image

University Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate College | Embedded computer systems Engineering education parallel and distributed systems Performance monitoring and evaluation Reconfigurable Hardware Visualization

Vaswani, Namrata

Namrata Vaswani image

Endowed Anderlik Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dickerson, Julie

Julie Dickerson image

David C. Nicholas Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering | Bioinformatics Data mining Deep learning Gene network inference Genome to Phenome mapping Machine Learning and Deep Learning Modeling metabolic networks Pattern recognition

Jacobson, Doug

Doug Jacobson image

University Professor
Sunil & Sujata Gaitonde Professorship in Cybersecurity
Director: ISU Center for Cybersecurity Innovation and Outreach

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering | Computer Security Cyber Physical Security Network Security Security Literacy and Education Security Test beds