Lee, John

John Lee image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Additive Manufacturing Cold Spray Computational Fluid Dynamics Containerless Processing Electrostatic/Electromagnetic Levitation Finite Element Analysis High Temperature Materials

Jiang, Shan

Shan Jiang image

Associate Professor
Materials Science and Engineering

Faculty | IMSE Affiliate and Courtesy Appointments Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Materials Science and Engineering MSE Faculty | 3D printing Additive Manufacturing Biobased Materials Biomaterials Biorenewables Coating Materials Drug Delivery Engineering education Nanomaterials Soft matter

Howell, John

John Howell image

Teaching Laboratory Specialist
Mechanical Engineering

Staff | ME Staff Mechanical Engineering | 3D printing Additive Manufacturing Combustion Energy storage Heat Transfer

O’Donnell, Michael

Michael O'Donnell image Director Of CIRAS [CIRAS]

Director, CIRAS

Staff | Center For Industrial Research and Service | Additive Manufacturing Manufacturing Change Management Manufacturing Processes Manufacturing systems supply chain management Product development and manufacturing process automation

Cui, Jun

Jun Cui image

Materials Science and Engineering

Faculty | Materials Science and Engineering MSE Faculty | Additive Manufacturing Advanced materials Energy conversion Energy Efficiency Energy Harvesting HVAC Magnetic materials Materials under Extreme Environments Mechanical Properties of Materials Phase Transformations in Metals

Xiong, Liming

Liming Xiong image

Affiliate Associate Professor

Faculty | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty Aerospace Engineering | 3D printing Additive Manufacturing Biomaterials Computational Materials Science Computational Mechanics Dislocation Fracture Interfacial Engineering Machine Learning Materials Characterization Materials under Extreme Environments multiscale modeling of materials Nanomaterials Structure-property relationships

Krishnamurthy, Adarsh

Adarsh Krishnamurthy image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Human Computer Interactions
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Courtesy)

Faculty | ECpE Courtesy Appointments Electrical and Computer Engineering ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering Virtual Reality Applications Center | Additive Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Applications in Engineering Biomechanics Cardiac Modeling Computer Graphics Computer-Aided Design GPU and Parallel Computing GPU computing High Performance Computing Interactive Scientific Visualization Isogeometric and Finite Element Analysis Machine Learning Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing

Frank, Matthew

Matthew Frank image

John B. Slater Professor of Sustainable Design & Manufacturing
Associate Chair and Director of Undergraduate Education
Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Faculty | ABE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty IMSE Faculty Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Additive Manufacturing Automation CAD/CAM CNC Machining Manufacturing Processes Rapid Manufacturing

Lesar, Richard

Richard Lesar image

Lynn Gleason Professor of Interdisciplinary Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering

Faculty | Materials Science and Engineering MSE Faculty | Additive Manufacturing Computational Materials Science Dislocation-based plasticity Microstructural modeling

Napolitano, Ralph

Ralph Napolitano image

Associate Chair
Materials Science and Engineering

Faculty | Materials Science and Engineering MSE Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education MSE Faculty | Additive Manufacturing Alloy solidification Computational Materials Science Engineering education Physical metallurgy and thermodynamics