Associate Professor Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Faculty | IMSE FacultyIndustrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | 3D printingAdditive ManufacturingAdvanced material processingBiomedical EngineeringEnergy storageLaser-based advanced manufacturingMicro/nanoscale manufacturingSoft Robotics
Director III Ames Laboratory Materials Science and Engineering
Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOEMSE Adjunct, Affiliate, Courtesy Appointments | Advanced material processingAdvanced materialsElectron MicroscopyMagnetic materialsMaterials CharacterizationMaterials under Extreme EnvironmentsStructure-property relationshipsSurfaces and interfaces
C. G. "Turk" and Joyce A. Therkildsen Professor, Associate Professor Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering Director, Study Abroad Center
Faculty | IMSE FacultyIndustrial and Manufacturing Systems EngineeringStudy Abroad Center | Advanced material processingManufacturing system improvementsManufacturing variability reductionMetalcasting processes