Passalacqua, Alberto

Alberto Passalacqua image

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical & Biological Engineering (Courtesy)
Associate Director Center for Multiphase Flow Research and Education (CoMFRE)

Faculty | CBE Courtesy Appointments ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Aerosols Computational Fluid Dynamics Device-scale simulation of multiphase flows Electrostatics in fluidization Fermentation Fluidized beds Gas-liquid flows Gas-particle flows Multiphase flows Numerical methods

Fox, Rodney

Rodney Fox image

Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering
Executive Director, Center for Multiphase Flow Research and Education (

Faculty | CBE Professors Chemical and Biological Engineering | Chemical reaction engineering Computational Fluid Dynamics Fluid mechanics Kinetic theory Multiphase flow Turbulent reacting flow

Vigil, Dennis

Dennis Vigil image

Professor and Reginald R. Baxter Endowed Department Chair

Faculty | CBE Department Chair CBE Professors Chemical and Biological Engineering | Aggregation Biorefining Biorenewables Chemical Reactors Computational Fluid Dynamics Experimental fluid mechanics Flow in porous media Multiphase flow Photobioreactors Radiation

Rothmayer, Alric

Alric Rothmayer image

Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering

Emeritus Faculty | AERE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Aerospace Engineering | Aircraft and Engine Icing Channel and Pipe Flow Computational Fluid Dynamics Low Order Mathematical Modeling of Roughness in Fluid Flow Magnetohydrodynamics Multiple Scales Analysis and Boundary Layer Theory Perturbation Methods