Faculty | CCEE FacultyCivil Construction and Environmental Engineering | Computational MechanicsComputational StatisticsData Analytics and Machine LearningData-Driven Eng and SciEngineering SeismologyNanoscienceParallel Computing Algorithms and ArchitectureSoft Robotics
Walter W. Wilson Faculty Fellow in Engineering and Professor Mechanical Engineering
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | Building energyCyber-Physical SystemsData Analytics and Machine LearningDistributed Optimization and ControlsMulti-agent robotics and complex networksPlant science applications
Barbara and James R. Palmer Professorship in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | AutomationBiosensors and point of care diagnosticsCyber-Physical SystemsData Analytics and Machine LearningDynamics and ControlEnergy HarvestingFood and agricultural system improvements and evaluationFormal MethodsMachine visionNanophotonicsNetworks and Distributed SystemsPower Systems Modeling and ControlReal-Time Embedded Systems and Sensor NetworksSensorsSoftware analysis for cybersecurity
Faculty | Center For Nondestructive EvaluationECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Data Analytics and Machine LearningDetection and estimationSensor array processingSignal processing for nondestructive evaluationSignal processing theory and methodsSparse signal reconstructionStatistical signal processing