Faculty | CBE Courtesy AppointmentsCollege of EngineeringMaterials Science and EngineeringMSE Associate Chair for Graduate Education and ResearchMSE Faculty | Advanced materialsBiosensors and point of care diagnosticsEnergy storageMachine LearningNanomaterials
Associate Professor Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Faculty | IMSE FacultyIndustrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | 3D printingAdditive ManufacturingAdvanced material processingBiomedical EngineeringEnergy storageLaser-based advanced manufacturingMicro/nanoscale manufacturingSoft Robotics
Charles Schafer (Battelle) Chair of Engineering and Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | Battery DesignCarbon Capture and ConversionEnergy HarvestingEnergy storageMechanical Energy ConversionMultifunctional and Integrated Energy MaterialsNanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing