Liu, Jundi

Jundi Liu image

Assistant Professor

Faculty | IMSE Faculty Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Data Analytics and Machine Learning Human computer Interaction Human factors Human-Robot Interaction Transportation data analysis

Wood, Jonathan

Jonathan Wood image Assistant Professor [CCE E]
Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering | Causal Inference Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Systems Data Analytics and Machine Learning Ethics Geometric Design of Highways Human factors Practical implementation of advanced statistical approaches Statistical methods Transportation Safety

Sherman, Peter

Peter Sherman image

Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Statistics

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering Statistics | Antenna analysis and design Biomedical Engineering Dynamical systems modeling Engineering education Food and agricultural system improvements and evaluation Human computer Interaction Human factors Information Theory Nondestructive Evaluation Sensor array processing

Anderson, Clayton

Clayton Anderson image

Professor of Practice
President/CEO Strategic Air Command (SAC) and Aerospace Museum

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering | Engineering education Human factors Operational planning Real-time systems Robotics Simulation

Dorneich, Michael

Michael Dorneich image

Morrill Professor
Joseph Walkup Professor
Director of Research (IMSE)

Faculty | AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty IMSE Faculty Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Adaptive Automation Cognitive engineering Collaborative decision-making Engineering education Human computer Interaction Human factors Team-based learning User experience

Gilbert, Stephen

Stephen Gilbert image

Associate Professor
Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Director, Human Computer Interaction
Associate Director, Virtual Reality Application Center

Faculty | Graduate College IMSE Faculty Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | Human factors Human-agent teaming Human-machine systems intelligent tutoring systems interaction design Training technologies User experience